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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Long ago and far away back in the day dead pedophile Jeff Epstein WAS A MAR A LAGO MEMBER. Then he got kicked out. Know why?

Long ago and far away back in the day dead pedophile Jeff Epstein WAS A MAR A LAGO MEMBER. Then he got kicked out. Know why?

He either sexually attacked a member's daughter or came on to her which daddy didn't like and so pandemic pumpkina** kicked jeff's a** out as well as everything that was attached to it. Not so much that pandemic pumpkina** disapproved but that he will not tolerate anyone "tainting" the 'trump' brand. Not good for business you know. Not good for business.

What a guy. What a big heart. What a what a what a what?

Posted - August 6, 2020
