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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Pandemicpumpkina** is RUSHING DEVELOPMENT OF A VACCINE and S L O W I N G mail delivery both of which will RIG the election. A**backward?

Pandemicpumpkina** is RUSHING DEVELOPMENT OF A VACCINE and S L O W I N G mail delivery both of which will RIG the election. A**backward?

He wants something to inject in the sheeple to convince them he brought life to them via demanding a QUICK vaccine. He doesn't give a rat's a** if you live or die. He just wants to convince you it was he and him alone that got you that quick "fix". Side effects that might kill you or cripple you or very badly PERMANENTLY harm you later on? Not his problem. That's yours. Not his fault. Everything he says and does is RIGHT. Results that so south are the fault of others. He is perfection personified in morbidly obese packaging.

So what you have here is a what?

Posted - August 7, 2020
