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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Ever wonder why some minds are what they are? Dropped on their heads as infants or born with malformed defective brains. WHO?

Ever wonder why some minds are what they are? Dropped on their heads as infants or born with malformed defective brains. WHO?

Those who are all filled up with conspiracy theories. Those who will buy anything the snake oil salesman sells even when they KNOW that using it is often deadly.

They will believe anything at anytime every time no matter what. They lack "discernment" so they cannot differentiate between reality and fake phony specious dogma. They buy all of it hook line and sinker.

Are they bad? No I don't think so. I just think they were born that way due to bad genes/malformation (not their fault) or were dropped on their heads when that soft spot on top hadn't closed up(also not their fault).

Posted - August 9, 2020
