The pandemica** pumpkinhead "probably has the whitest richest cabinet any president ever had"! SURPRISED?
He feels comfy with "his people". You know the rich and wealthy and privileged? Of course he has BEN CARSON his token and he also has the son of itch's wife who is Chinese or whatever. All RICH though so he forgives that they are not white. I guess.
There are many Democrats sitting in Congress who became millionaires after they began their careers of "public service". When you belly up to the public trough, it becomes addictive as so many of these folks absolutely refuse to leave Washington after decades of hanging on to a Congressional seat. If experience, skills, expertise, character, integrity and sound judgement were criteria for entering "public service", then no one would have to apologize for their racial heritage. Something they had no control over and shouldn't have to be concerned about.