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Discussion » Questions » Life and Society » Black Lives Matter is under attack. Attackers resent its divisive nature. What about ALL THE OTHER SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS?

Black Lives Matter is under attack. Attackers resent its divisive nature. What about ALL THE OTHER SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS?

There are many special interest groups. Black Lives Matter is just the newest kid on the block.  Some object to it and insist all lives matter. They miss point. They object and accuse the group of promulgating racism/division. What about the other special interest groups? What about groups promoting the well-being of LGBT, Latinos, the handicapped, veterans, children, animals, the unborn, the environment, the aging? What about the ACLU, the anti-defamation league? They are ALL the same. SPECIAL INTEREST. Why attack the one that's black?  Can anyone give me an answer to that?

Posted - October 9, 2016


  • 380
    All special interest groups are not the same. Black lives matter should be attacked for wanting, chanting about killing cops.
      October 9, 2016 8:44 AM MDT