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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » It has no effect on me at all. You can eat yourself to death, drink yourself to death or OD on drugs. Your choice. NOW?

It has no effect on me at all. You can eat yourself to death, drink yourself to death or OD on drugs. Your choice. NOW?

You could be the instrument of my death. Just by being too close to me. What you do to your life is none of my business. What you do to mine? SIGH.

How I do protect myself from YOU who go maskless with pride and party hearty butt to butt with other drunks whenever you can? I can't because I have no idea what you do whom you are what you care about or don't give a rat's a** about or how you go about your daily life.

So I'm at your mercy 24/7. Not my cuppa tea but well per the great 'head" pandemic pumpkina** " IT IS WHAT IT IS. Everyone says so. Build the wall. Lock her up. Send her back. Make america gag again. That I can tell you. In a certain period of time. Everyone says so. I'm the only one who can fix it. I am the chosen one. I am a wise and extremely stable genius. I know more than the generals. Don't believe what you see and don't believe what you hear. None of that is happening.
Fake news. Hoax. Deepstate hate. Rigged. Demon Dems. White is right. Don't bend a knee. Salute the CONFEDERATE FLAG. Wave your bible constantly. Mail in votes promote fraud except when I do it. Then it is A OK. I have done more for African Americans than any other president. The virus will just disappear magically. It will go away. OPEN SCHOOLS!"

Posted - August 10, 2020
