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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Y'all have heard of Genetically Modified Organisms...GMO? Ever hear the one about the fish and the tomato?

Y'all have heard of Genetically Modified Organisms...GMO? Ever hear the one about the fish and the tomato?

Allegedly Monsanto was the first to do it. They deny it.

A company based in Oakland, California called DNA Plant Technology actually did combine the DNA of fish and tomato. WHY? To improve the resistance to cold of the tomato. Apparently Flounder can survive in FRIGID waters.

It was tried and the results were "pitiful" so it was scapped. No tomato fish ever made it to market.

But that is what  GMO is all about. Of course we don't know what the deleterious effects of GMO on the human is quite yet. It may take generations to do that. In the meantime do you feel comfy eating anything that has "includes GMO" in the ingredients or on it product somewhere? I believe is a LAW that they have to tell you that. What I see is NON-GMO a lot. Do you care if you're eating a genertically modified organism when you think you are eating corn or soybeans? Does it matter to you that you may be screwed bigly down the line just because you ate a plastic food a phony food a cheap food? I'm sure the millkions of JUNK FOOD fans don't care what they eat. GMO here we go. Rah rah rah! GMO.

That would make a nifty POLIGICAL SLOGAN. I can see it now.

Posted - August 10, 2020
