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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » "AMERICA NEEDS COLLEGE FOOTBALL" tweets mickeymousepounce. He didn't say WHY. Do you know WHY?

"AMERICA NEEDS COLLEGE FOOTBALL" tweets mickeymousepounce. He didn't say WHY. Do you know WHY?

Posted - August 11, 2020


  • 44754
    Americans don't...colleges and corporations whose ads pay billions to them need it. Shareholder's lives matter, too.
      August 11, 2020 6:04 PM MDT

  • 113301
    "Shareholders lives matter too". Tongue-in-cheek I gather? I know. Follow the money. That is applicable to anything and everything 24/7. Boosters Clubs of former students are made of the very wealthy. What would happen if we took money out of every equation? I shall ask. Thank you for your reply E! :)
      August 12, 2020 2:41 AM MDT