What if money were removed from every equation? What do I mean?
Money would never be a consideration in anything. How much you can make beg borrow steal.
Money would have no more value than buying Qips to clean your ears or toilet paper to wipe your butt.
Sure it's helpful but so what?
If money didn't make the world go around. it money were no one's carrot. If having tons of it didn't make those having it "better" than others. If making a lot of it were irrelevant immaterial and frowned down upon.
I know it's hard to imagine that. But IMAGINE THAT?
The same as having a cup of coffee or tea or seeing a movie or listening to an opera or watching a ball game. NOT ESSENTIAL TO YOUR SURVIVAL. Certainly not the be all and end all it is today.
Wouldja like to try it on for size if it were possible?