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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Quite a man choosing the one person who challenged him and attacked him! Shows his STRENGTH. What would pumpkina** have done?

Quite a man choosing the one person who challenged him and attacked him! Shows his STRENGTH. What would pumpkina** have done?

He would have CRUSHED HER.

He will still try of course though of all the people Joe could have picked she is the one who TERRIFIES pumpkina** and his cabal et al THE MOST. Their nightmare come home to roost.

She's been vetted for California Attorney General. Vetted for California Senator who replaced Senator Barbara Boxer. VETTED when she took a run at the presidency. Biden's staff further VETTED her. Also she and Joe's son Beau were very good friends. I'm sure that had a little something to do with it since Joe carries Beau with him in everything he does politically. It couldn't have hurt. And he really did choose the person he thinks can be of the most help to him. He would be very foolish to have done otherwise and he is not a foolish man. There ya go! Quality will out. Conscience and honesty and HONORABILITY can never be bested.

Posted - August 12, 2020
