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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Funny bizarre weird queer peculiar how until the whinya** pumpkin labels you then you don't have a clue whom you are or what. Odd that?

Funny bizarre weird queer peculiar how until the whinya** pumpkin labels you then you don't have a clue whom you are or what. Odd that?

Then I say THANK GOD for the whinya** pumpkina**. He is very good at labeling isn't he though?

He labels himself wise and an extremely stable genius who is the chosen one and is the only one who fix things who knows more than the Generals.

He labels others somewhat less flattering things. Who can blame him? We all know he is honest to a fault and cannot lie about anything or anyone at any time. It is against his religion to lie. Who could match him in anything? Everyone is less than he is including GOD apparently. He whips GOD out from time to time to use HIM and then mostly just forgets about HIM completely intil the bible gun crowd need to be kept in line. Then he whips out both to keep quiet and happy and content. Always works. Betcha GOD is real tired of it.

Posted - August 12, 2020
