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Randy D
Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Pumpkina** will start running testimonials from his great good friends. PUTIN russian JONG-UN north korean Xi china duterte phlippines. AND?

Pumpkina** will start running testimonials from his great good friends. PUTIN russian JONG-UN north korean Xi china duterte phlippines. AND?

kanye west bipolar celebrity
clint eastwood gung ho gun guy
tom sellectk gung ho gun guy
ted nugent old washed up celebrity
scott baio big on republicans tiny on talent and brains
david duke big on racists
netanyu Israel's biggest crook in decades
saudi crown prince the murderer torturer beheader orderer from saudi arabia no less
john wayne gung ho gun guy from the grave
adolf hitler genocide king from the grave
roseanne barr

Powerful stuff them there's. Powerful stuff. Who could ask for anything more to clinch the deal and nail it?

Posted - August 15, 2020
