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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » It isn't only women of color who are EXCITED about Kamala Harris being Joe's veep. Know who else is/am/are excited too?

It isn't only women of color who are EXCITED about Kamala Harris being Joe's veep. Know who else is/am/are excited too?

Colorfree colorless uncolored noncolored women are excited too. ALL OF THEM? No but you know what so what? Enough of us are on board with Joe especially because he is a strong enough man to handle a very strong woman. Imagine pathetic pandemic pumpkina** doing that? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.

This is just great. Happy Days are Here Again! Mebbe. I hope I hope I hope

Of course the entire GOP is in the depths of depravity endeavoring to sabotage everything they can wherever they can in any way they can. At the local level at the state level at the national level. All of them all at once engaged in helping the master depraved degenerate traitor "win" by any means possible. Tough house. BRING IT ON!

Posted - August 16, 2020
