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Randy D
Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » What are the OBLIGATIONS of being an AMERICAN CITIZEN? Obeying the laws and paying taxes. WHY ISN'T VOTING MANDATORY TOO?

What are the OBLIGATIONS of being an AMERICAN CITIZEN? Obeying the laws and paying taxes. WHY ISN'T VOTING MANDATORY TOO?

What the he** is wrong with people who don't care enough about their country's welfare and wellbeing to get up off their butts and VOTE? BY MAIL works just fine.

Why do they get away with taking advantage of all the advantages but feel no responsibilkity to do their part or participate?

LAZY BUMS. DEADBEAT CHEAPSKATES. Take what they can get steal beg borrow and NEVER EVER repay for what they have? Lousy deadbeat cheapskates. Millions of them. Them that don't VOTE. Lousy deadbeat cheapskates don't deserve to live in the United States of America if they won't lift a finger to participate.

Thieves. CROOKS. Bums.

Posted - August 17, 2020
