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Randy D
Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Some brains are discombobulated and pixalated not to mention MIA. Why say I that?

Some brains are discombobulated and pixalated not to mention MIA. Why say I that?

They are ANTI FAMILY PLANNING which is to say anti birth control. NO I AM NOT TALKING ABOUT ABORTION

I am talking about theyway to prevent the need for it or desire for it or or or or or. Of course you can always ABSTINATE if you don't want to get pregnant. Or you can take pills and lie about it. Whatever works for you.

Taking a pill that prevents conception is not murder. Getting pregnant because your religion says you can't interfere in any way so you abort is MURDER.

So you have a problem and you have a solution and you insist the solution is also a problem.

Logical reasonable sensible rational intelligent? Where in there anywhere is any of that?

So they make sacrosanct the ANTi ABORTION crowd and made heroes out of those who blew up family planning clinics and murdered doctors. They'd publish the home addresses back in the day.

They are anti abortion but they are pro murder. Makes sense in their mind. I rest my case

Posted - August 17, 2020
