That's all you/they care about.
The pumpkin is a vile evil venal treasonous traitor lawbreaker constitution destroyer selfish greedy lapdogpuppet useful idiot of a former KGB officer in Russia....Putin. The pumpkin lies down rolls over begs and plays dead for him on command.
Pumpkin is being multiply sued for sex abuse by over a dozen women and paid out HUSH MONEY to shut his mistresses up which he had SEX with WHILE HIS WIFE WAS PREGNANT! Pig man is what he is. And yet? Ya love the guy. WHY?. Oh and it is that HUSH MONEY I think hat sent Michael Cohen to jail doing what pig told him to do.
Tell me this.
Exactly what did pumpkin actually DO to make the economy so ROBUST for you?
JOE BIDEN wins every poll in every aspect EXCEPT FOR THE ECONOMY
Y'all think the pumpkin has a better head for business and you will be more secure and richer with the pumpkin in charge?
Despite his six bankruptcies and the fact that only a foreign bank(DEUTSCHE BANK) would lend him money because the RESPECTABLE AMERICAN banks know pumpkin is a cheapskate deadbeat who stiffs people.
Even so even though you pick him? What a wacky world. If it looks like a duck talks like a duck walks like a duck it's a duck. Waddle waddle waddle. QUACK QUACK QUACK