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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Pumpkin is in fact INSANE. He keeps demanding investigations into the RUSSIAN HACKING and keeps getting the same results. WHAT?

Pumpkin is in fact INSANE. He keeps demanding investigations into the RUSSIAN HACKING and keeps getting the same results. WHAT?

Yep. Once again thsi FIFTH investigation into it PROVES beyond doubt that Russia colluded with some pumpkina** peratives to RIG the elction in the pumkin's favor.

Now he doesnt' like to work with truth or facts.

Problem is the investigation sare forced to do so and that is why the results FOR EACH INVESITGATION are the same.


Will the pumpkin force a SIXTH investigation and keep investigating until he gets the results he demands? Look at how pathetic he is. See him for what he is. Unbelievablely crackpot wackadoodlenoodle nuts!

He will keep spending your money to keep investigating because truth bites and he will have no part of it. When BIPARTISAN folks investigate and come up with a conclusion he doesn't like it.

He wants the investigation to work toward substantiating the "fake facts" he insists upon. He will keep trying and trying and trying while he is actively seeking to destroy the post office murder medical insurance coverage blow up our ability to vote and grind up and eat the Constitution which he will do with a glass of CHIANTI and some raw liver spleen heart and kidneys.

Posted - August 18, 2020
