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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Here's a perplexer a puzzler. One who prefers a CONSTITUTIONAL Republic form of government supports a "head" who doesn't support it. HOW?

Here's a perplexer a puzzler. One who prefers a CONSTITUTIONAL Republic form of government supports a "head" who doesn't support it. HOW?

Of course one can advertise himself/herself as supporting LAW AND ORDER but if he flouts/dismembers/breaks/mocks/ridicules/eliminates laws and perpetuate CHAOS such a one as that is not believable. For those who can see think observe opine. For the head in the sand crowd? Well death comes quickly without oxygen.

Some do believe the words and ignore the actions/behavior/track record.

Blinders? A brain that is on hiatus or MIA?

Posted - August 19, 2020
