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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » I led a very DEPRIVED childhood. My parents never once told me whom to hate whom to attack whom to insult. NOT ONCE! Why such neglect?

I led a very DEPRIVED childhood. My parents never once told me whom to hate whom to attack whom to insult. NOT ONCE! Why such neglect?

They were very simple people. Plain wrap. Economy. Nothing fancy.

Always tell the truth
Respect your elders and authority.
You can achieve anything you want if you are willing to work hard for it.
Never cheat. It will always make things worse for you.

They never once told me that skin color determined the worth or lack thereof of people. Or religion or politics or wealth. Never came up in our conversations.

My mom told me once that she expected me to get all E's in deportment..EXCELLENT. She said whatever grades I got would be up to me and she didn't say she expected me to get all A's. But she did expect me to be a "good" citizen in school.

See how deprived I was? So was my younger sister.

Were you as deprived as we were or did your parents give you strict MARCHING ORDERS about whom to hate whom to avoid whom to suck up to and whom to adore? Sigh.

Posted - August 24, 2020
