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His math skills are NIL. Yet the dipstick insists the only way he can lose the election is through mail in vote FRAUD. And yet?

As of May 2020 per a Gallup Poll 31% of Americans identify as Democrats
                                                25%                    identify as Republicans
                                                40%                    identify as INDEPENDENTS

What makes an INDEPENDENT INDEPENDENT is that he/she does the thinking for the brain inside the cranium and does not accept the claptrap gibberish partisan bullsh** from anyone at any time for any reason..

Independents do not partisan vote robotically autmatically dependably interminably foreverly through intimidation or fearmongering or anything outside themselves. They figure things out based on what they find out in their search for TRUTH unlike the partisan lemmings who swallow whole whatever is thrown at them.

Independents think INDEPENDENTLY on every issue and will not accept a mantra or dogma or "talking points" of any political party. Much less a harangue made of lies. They are too smart for that which is WHY they refuse to be labeled as anything other than INDEPENDENT. The dipstick thinks they will vote for him? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! I think NOT.

That is WHY they are independent.

Do the math. The dipstick INSISTS he can't lose if the election is fair. Now of course "fair" means many things to many people. To him the only "fair" election is one he wins. Elsewise otherwise sidewise and upsidedown inside out he got GYPPED. That is his story and he is going to stick with it. The dipstick regurgitates that repeatedly every day. Just like a cow who has two stomachs I have heard and upchucks into the other stomach to further digest what was already digested.

The dipstick cow moves its regurgitation constantly between stomachs. Ridiculous of course but to him it is the word and anyone who disputes his word is a deep state enemy. Sigh. TO BE ELIMINATED BY ANY MEANS POSSIBLE.

And so it goes. And where she goes nobody knows or nose.

Posted - August 25, 2020
