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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The boytoy deJOY is massively IGNORANT. He does know the cost of a first-class postage stamp. THAT'S IT! Shocked?

The boytoy deJOY is massively IGNORANT. He does know the cost of a first-class postage stamp. THAT'S IT! Shocked?

California Congresswoman Katie Porter showed him up for what he was. A FRONT. An empty suit. As a former student of Elizabeth Warren and as a former UNIVERSITY PROFESSOR she is no slouch when it comes to intellect and she is fastidious in her preparation. Anyone who faces her usually ends up head in hand and humiliated. She is ferocious and fearsome and a deadly questioner.

The dipsticks are no match for her. Bring it on! Bring them on. I DARE any of them to face her and answer her questions.

Sure the dipstick fix is in and he rigs everything eh touches. But there are some things that immutable. She is one of them. The dipstick brigade has nothing on its side comparable. The attack dogs like little jimmy jordan? Hhahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Seriously?

Posted - August 26, 2020
