None of these so-called "peaceful" protests would be occurring i f they just would stay in "their place".
The Black Lives Matter folks started all this trouble didn't they? If they "knew their place" and station in life and what they deserved to have happen to them based on what whites think is right none of this would be happening.
Clearly it all falls on their shoulders for fighting and speaking up and demanding Constitutional rights.
What were they thinking? Everyone know skin color rules. Always has always will.
So how do we get the toothpaste back in the tube? That way we can just squeeze it whenever we wish without it pushing back.
Know your place. Know your position on the ladder of life. Don't try to reach for that which is not yours to reach for.
Know your place. LOOK IN THE MIRROR. WHAT COLOR ARE YOU? That will guide you in all things futurely. All you have to do is REMEMBER YOUR SKIN COLOR and act accordingly. No uppity anyones thank you for very much. The world