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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The dipstick adoring worshippers are SUBMISSIVE TO AUTHORITY. They NEED being told what to do what to say what to think! Didja have a clue?

The dipstick adoring worshippers are SUBMISSIVE TO AUTHORITY. They NEED being told what to do what to say what to think! Didja have a clue?

Some author or some book said that and you know what? I think it's absotively posilutely true! WHO KNEW?

Posted - August 29, 2020


  • 33906
    It is called being respectful to authority. 
      August 29, 2020 3:39 PM MDT

  • 7280
    Quite obviously true.

    The meaning of "respect" has morphed over time and now includes the requirement of admiration or esteem.

    So, in the old sense of "respect"---which means in this case to see and realize exactly what Trump is doing to the American Democratic Republic---precludes both admiration and esteem (judging it good and acceptable; approval) on my part.

    If you were a prisoner of war in WWII and the Kommandant of the prison camp where you were held captive told you not to attempt to escape, would you respect his wishes or fulfill your duty to attempt precisely that---escape?
      August 29, 2020 5:02 PM MDT

  • 113301
    To you yes m'dear. To me? No not at all. Of course now that I have heard it said from some researcher or investigator or explainer I do see that is the underlying connection among the dipstick followers. As for the question you asked of me. I have never been brave tom. I've always taken the safe route. Always followed the rules/laws...well except for speeding. I used to be known in the long ago as "lead foot rosie". But that is  a very benign thing and I expect "everyone does it". I would like to think I would step up and intervene on behalf of others but my tendency is to adjust accept make do and if I can't then I just leave. I used to "respect" authority. Now? Sheesh. We are surrounded by mongrels and beasts and monsters with weapons  which they are "legally" allowed to use to murder us and get away with it. How do you fight that? I don't think I would try to escape but never having been in that situation I do not know. I may be made of better stuff than I think I am and I may be doing myself an injustice. Hopefully I won't be tested. Of course I have spoken out and up at times. The person I am here I am everywhere. But my life was never on the line. Thank you for your thoughtful reply and Happy Sunday to thee and thine! :)
      August 30, 2020 1:46 AM MDT

  • I don't want to waste more time on this question than it deserves, so I'll just say that there is one a Hell of big difference in being submissive and being respectful. Respect also isn't something you DEMAND. RESPECT is earned and is a two way street. Of course, trying to explain that to the jackasses in the street who already suffer, like the catfish, from a syndrome of all mouth and no brains, is a near impossibility. All of the verbose pomposity and hypocrisy of liberals who have tried every form of appeasement, payments, programs, coddling,misplaced sympathies, social engineering and guilt trips as a solution to wanton lawlessness are once again totally out of touch. (On purpose)  There are way too many of us who are out of patience and tolerance for this crime spree. If politicians, and agencies of government won't bring an end to it and restore order, then they need to get the Hell out of the way.
      August 29, 2020 5:41 PM MDT

  • 19938

    Image may contain: 1 person, text that says 'justa reminder: In 1956 when schools were being integrated there were no peaceful protests from white people but y'all want protestow. a peaceful protest now.. @victoryofkata.ztrofee'
      August 30, 2020 6:28 AM MDT