To be honest I don't really care anymore. Everyone knows he's crookeder than a barrel of fish hooks (why else hide?). Besides, there’re a lot bigger things to worry about nowadays (many of which are thanks to his idiocy).
Do you really think that releasing his taxes will accomplish any of that? He's a snake oil salesman. He lies more than a billion rugs. No matter what his tax returns may "reveal", he'll never be held accountable. He’ll simply lie to make himself look “innocent” or he’ll blame someone else, or his kids will protect him (as they’re doing now). His staunch disciples will claim he’s being unfairly persecuted by the democrats, or riot in the streets to protect him (a human shield?). We KNOW he’s corrupt! We KNOW he lies! We KNOW he’s in bed with Putin! Yes, we long to see him pay for his crimes, but (sadly) we know that won’t happen. There’s not much justice in this country anymore.