He is corrupt and commits criminal acts every day. He lies and denies and sabotages and fakes everything all the time.
So you see the less "info" coming from him the less he will get NAILED for his multitudinous multifarious LIES.
Soon nothing will be allowed to get out that is not voiced by the dipstick. More hours for him to shine in the spotlight and take over all air waves. That is his goal. Will you be helping him achieve it? What are you willing to do personally to insure that he be installed once again in a RIGGED election? Are you already conspiring and colluding with hostile foreigners and have been since 2016? Have you no decency? Oh right of course you don't. You support the dipstick.
He doesn’t like anyone knowing more that he does. He likes to feel important (a big shot). He wants to control everything (people, money, elections). Besides, if he lets too much out, people may catch on that he’s a complete idiot who’s been winging it for the past 4 years. That scares him.