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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » There will be no october surprise. Only more ramped up ludicrous lies. Desperation makes for aberrational MADNESS.. Like?

There will be no october surprise. Only more ramped up ludicrous lies. Desperation makes for aberrational MADNESS.. Like?

The dipstick said he had a FIRST HAND ACCOUNT of a plane going from somewhere to somewhere filled with thugs. Said he would get more info and let us know. Well where is the plane and how many thugs and who are they and what has been done with them and what their motive? C'mon dipstick tell us what you float unless you just floated more home made poop. Didja?

The dipstick will come up with radical hysterical doozies the closer he gets to his WATERLOO ARMAGEDDON. Wait and see what hysterical really can be in an old very terrified guilty of everything sad sack homo sap. Wait and see. The SWORD OF DAMOCLES HANGS OVER HIS HEAD. WITHER HE GOEST IT GOEST GOETH. Hanging by a very thin thread.

Posted - September 2, 2020
