Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » My oh my how the lies do multiply among the terrified very dense dipstick hitmen! The barr dipstick sean tucker et al MULTIPLIED! Y'ALL BUY?

My oh my how the lies do multiply among the terrified very dense dipstick hitmen! The barr dipstick sean tucker et al MULTIPLIED! Y'ALL BUY?

The frantic are now frenzied. Everywhere all the time ginning up the number and depth of their lies. Matter of fact they are as they KNOWINGLY LIE LIE LIE LIE LIE LIE LIE. In concerted collusive conspiracy they all work from the same script and have their MARCHING ORDERS. Do or die and they for dam* sure know the dying will not be by any of them.


Because they know the gullibles out there buy every lie every time and because they are considered to be stupid by the dipstick cabal et al the liars keep repeating the lies to keep the gullibles from forgetting them and moving on. That's why.

The dipstick cabal et al have nothing but disdain and contempt for the gullibles. It is obvious in the way in which they fling those ridiculous lies that are immediately PROVEN to be false. The gullibles keep ignoring reality proof truth evidence and stick to delusion. But they are all seen as being exceedingly stupid by the dipstick cabal et al and that is why the dipstick cabal et al keep treating them as they do. Can't hold a thought for a minute therefore you have to repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat. In mono and duo and stereo and quadra etcetera etcetera etcetera etcetera. Nothing like having gullibles stick by you. No one else will of course so the gullibles are the only game in town and the dipstick cabal et al certainly keep playing them.

Posted - September 3, 2020
