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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » An Answermug friend says that the FBI lists QANON as a domestic terrorist group. Odd then that the someone praises QANONS isn't it?

An Answermug friend says that the FBI lists QANON as a domestic terrorist group. Odd then that the someone praises QANONS isn't it?

He sucks up to them and a** pats them all the time.

But he does want to label the ANTIFA as terrorists.

What's sauce for his goose isn't meat for his gander.Gibberish is what that certain someone speaks. Doesn't have a clue what he is saying but just talks talks talks talks talks talks talks. He likes unfair unjust and lies. He trhives on them. And so it goes. He also adores and celebrates and supports and defends WHITE SUPREMACIST RACISTS. Bigly. Very bigly. He is alright with all white.

Posted - September 4, 2020
