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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The dipsh**loser sucker has not condemned putrid putin for poisoning a dissident. Know what lie putrid Putin is telling?

The dipsh**loser sucker has not condemned putrid putin for poisoning a dissident. Know what lie putrid Putin is telling?

Putrid putin sez when Navalny was examined by their doctors there were no signs of poison in his system.

Then Navalny was sent to Germany where the existence of NOVICHEK a Russian poison, was found in Navalny and he is still in a coma.

The putric putin implies the poison was purposely injected into Navalny's body so they could blame Russia.

So are you like the dipsh** loser sucker and automatically believe whatever putrid putin tells you? Or

Do you prefer to see this LOGICALLY and HONESTLY?

If Germany did inject poison into someone's system just to make putrid putin look bad it would be guilty of attempted murder. Do you really think Germany is  as stupid dumb as putrid putin thinks we are? No one is that dumb. Well except for the dipsh** loser sucker who believes everything putrid putin tells him to believe.

And so it goes. More poison more dead dissidents. The dipsh** loser sucker will probably copycat putrid putin and do it here. He will get away with it because everyone around him is chickensh** terrified and stupid dumb. Which day will he  do do do the doo doo he do do and who will be the first victim?

Joe Biden before the first debate
Kamala Harris before the first debate

Both Biden and Harris on election day?

Posted - September 5, 2020


  • 3719
    Yes, that was noticed abroad...

    So was his basically saying we should all worry more about China. Whilst he does have a point there, the timing did look like an attempt to deflect attention from Russia.

    As for President Putin, he can deny all he likes, but I doubt many governments in the West believe him. They all know what his regime is like.
      September 5, 2020 2:47 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Does it seem to you that we are just floating along amidst the debris Durdle? Waiting for something BIG to occur? I've had this feeling before. A feeling that DOOM is about to hit us. In what form I don't know but our world is certainly under attack. What do you think would be the MOST WORST THING that could happen next? I shall ask. Thank you for your reply! :) This post was edited by RosieG at September 8, 2020 1:32 AM MDT
      September 6, 2020 2:15 AM MDT

  • 3719
    Oh dear!

    If the world is under attack, it is so largely only by human agency. There are purely-natural hazards beyond human control but their risks are very low.

    We could list a number of potential hazards arising from or worsened by human activities, but assessing their relative risks and timings is another matter.

    I am presently reading a novel called The Second Sleep, by Robert Harris, set in a future beyond an "Apocalypse" whose nature is not known in its own time - but the narrative cites a surviving, 21C so "ancient", letter that forecasts several possible causes of such a disaster before it happened. Whilst the novel is a work of fiction and we don't know which forecast proved correct, for reasons the story makes clear in describing its effects, those possibilities are all horribly realistic in our real-life times.  And whilst the tale is set only in South-West England, with brief references to other countries including mentioning the collection of small nations once the United States of America, those effects are equally credible.


    I understand the Western States including California, Colorado and Arizona are going through some very extreme weather, with one forecast giving a temperature drop from hot desert to snow, within 24 hours! I think that was for the country around Denver. These are effects of weather systems that have brought cyclones to SE Asia - 4000 miles away across the Pacific.   
      September 7, 2020 12:35 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Either things really are occur that are getting progressively more bizarre weird peculiar queer (dipstick being the 'head" of anything let alone a country) OR they always were and I just didn't pay attention. It is perplexing to me that millions of people seek comfort from evil. They seek protection from "the other" and the evil they embrace continue to demonize what we used to hold dear. I always knew that some folks were crackpots. But on such a large scale? That just seems so unlikely. If I read a book about this exact situation I'd think someone had a really wild imagination. It could never happen. But here we are. So what are we to think of it? I suppose I'm in the throes of trying to figure that out. Are we living in a gigantic research lab and this is just another test? Thank you for your reply Durdle and Happy Tuesday! :) This post was edited by RosieG at September 8, 2020 2:05 AM MDT
      September 8, 2020 1:37 AM MDT