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Flint Ironstag
Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » You do realize that some people are oblivious to contradicting themselves in the same sentence. How?

You do realize that some people are oblivious to contradicting themselves in the same sentence. How?

They deny "it" ever happening and say it is all lies and then turn around and say something to CORROBORATE IT as if that settled it.

I love the military and am the biggest supporter and have done more for the military than any president in the history of the world. I am its biggest fan. There is nothing I wouldn't do for them.

The Pentagon is filled with people who put our soldiers in harm's way to make money because they are WAR PROFITEERS.

See what I mean? He denies a charge and then makes it again without ever being aware of what he is doing. I'm sure there must some clinical psychology psychiatry that covers that.

Every day in every way the big he shoots himself in the foot. Is he doing it purposely? Why would he?

Posted - September 8, 2020
