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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The Putin dissident Navalny is out of a coma now. Germany's Angela Merkel said it was attempted murder. Know what dipstick said?

The Putin dissident Navalny is out of a coma now. Germany's Angela Merkel said it was attempted murder. Know what dipstick said?

He will "look into it". If it happened he will be "very angry".

It is the RUSSIAN nerve agent NOVICHUK that was the poison used. The putrid putin has had it used before on other dissidents who become disfigured and die.

There is NO DOUBT it is a Putin-ordered "hit" but the dipstick is wont to protect putrid putin at all costs no matter what. The dipstick has not yet said a word about the Russian bounties paid to Afghans to MURDER American soldiers. If he doesn't talk about it then it never happened and doesn't exist. SIGH.

ATTEMPTED MURDER per Angela Merkel...Germany's leader.

Which means it will be attempted repeatedly until it is effected. Putrid putin never gives up until he gets what he wants. Strong tough big man. That's so why the dipstick adores him.

Posted - September 8, 2020
