Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » You want to attack destroy prevent blow up an election. How would YOU do it? What would be the surest way to effect that?

You want to attack destroy prevent blow up an election. How would YOU do it? What would be the surest way to effect that?

Declare war many countries and send troops there(North Korea Iran Russia China Japan Switzerland Nepal and every single DEMOCRATIC MAJORITY state! Shoot to kill. Point a gun at someone and do the dirty deed.

Send mystery meat thugs to polling locations to physically blow them up and to Registrars of Voters offices all over the nation to blow them up then visit all post offices and blow them up.

Declare a RACE WAR 24 hours before the election and send the weaponized crackpot wackadoodlenoodles from all groups who support you (RACIST FASCISTS BIGOTS NAZIS MILITIA EVANGELICALS ETCETERA) to go out and start murdering!

Millions of them all at once using anything they want including firethrowers and bazookas and cannons and rifles and AK everythings. No limit to magazine size. Go for it!

Blow up all scientific labs and institutions. THEY ARE DANGEROUS.
Blow up all TV and RADIO stations save one...although FOX has turned against dipstick recently quite BIGLY
Blow up the power grid for the entire country
Set landmines everywhere there is an anywhere
Use chemical warfare and nerve gas against the people
Use tanks to mow them down if they congregate
Have rifle squads roaming the streets murdering anyone who isn't a registered Dipsticker.
Leave ships in ports with cargo untouched
Stops trucks from delivering goods

I spose doing all of the above is best.

Posted - September 8, 2020
