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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Poor dipstick. He is drowning in so much gawdawful. What will hit him next d'ya think?

Poor dipstick. He is drowning in so much gawdawful. What will hit him next d'ya think?

So far we know his campaign is broke due to  pi**ing away hundreds of millions of contribution dollars
We know he has pi**ed off the military by referring to them as SUCKERS AND LOSERS
We know the dip says those who served were not smart enough to avoid the draft like he did
We know the new book out by Michael Cohen corroborates more of the same we've known and heard before
We know that Fox news corroborated much of the Atlantic Monthly reporting which makes him LIVID
We know a woman who alleges he RAPED her is continuing on with a lawsuit
We know he is behind Joe Biden in most polls and in some states they are in a dead heat which makes him FRANTIC
We know he has a proclivity for selecting the people who will cause him trouble by obeying his commands
We know that his boytoy deJoy is a slimy corrupt bum and is going to be demasked and flogged figuratively
We know his love affair with putrid putin will never end because he is besotted with the man and fears him
We know his base adores everything he stands for, says, does without exception. He does it/says it they LOVE it
We know his desperation is mounting daily as he becomes more erratic dramatic static autocratic
We know the pumpkina** virus will carry his name forever..his greatest legacy
We know he may start a war to delay the election
We know he wants to be king and rule without any limitations until he dies. His worships POWER
We know his list of enemy targets will keep growing and that he adores revenge retaliation getting back it
We know he will throw anyone under the bus to save himself
We know he will continue to lie every day when he opens his mouth.
We know his adoring worshippers will continue to adoringly worship him
We know his whinya** spineless toady sycophant Republican senators will stay down in the slime with him

Is there anything we DON"T KNOW? If so how can we know what we don't?

Posted - September 9, 2020
