Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Is ignoring criminal threats to America criminal? The dipstick ordered the intelligence community to back off reporting. ON WHAT?

Is ignoring criminal threats to America criminal? The dipstick ordered the intelligence community to back off reporting. ON WHAT?

On RUSSIAN interference in our election. The RUSSIAN interference is welcomed bigly and depended on by the dipstick. It was in 2016 and it is now in 2020. He would have lost the election quite handily without it. He does not want to antagonize the putrid putin because of it.

So he wants us to DOWNPLAY (LIE) about all the ways RUSSIA is interfering in our election and focus on China and Iran what has nothing to do with anything vis a vis rigging the election the way the putrid putin will do AGAIN.

Another criminal corrupt anti-American act supported and demanded by the dipstick lapdogpuppet of the purtrd putin.

Posted - September 10, 2020
