Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » So the dipsh** sez he didn't want to panic anyone about the virus so he LIED about it? HE IS A LIAR LIAR LIAR. Know why?

So the dipsh** sez he didn't want to panic anyone about the virus so he LIED about it? HE IS A LIAR LIAR LIAR. Know why?

All his rallies and all his press conferences and all his speeches are specifically meant to PANIC everyone.

He stokes FEAR and HATE when he talks about the suburbs being taken over by non-whites so you will PANIC

He stokes FEAR and HATE whenever he talks about democrats or women or people of color or immigrants or any enemies he has. He is all about riling up everyone all the time to PANIC PANIC PANIC PANIC PANIC.

His rallies CELEBRATE PANIC and hate and fear.
His speeches CELEBRATE PANIC and hate and fear
His new conferences CELEBRATE PANIC and ate and fear

Remember he told you 1000 people were heading from Mexico to the border of California to over run our country a few years ago? Why did he tell you that? SO YOU WOULD PANIC.

Did it ever happen? No. Why? HE LIED.

HE LIES EVERY DAY EVERY WAY SO YOU WILL BE AND STAY PANICKED. You are only of use to him in panic form. If you were calm and thoughtful he'd be frantic and panic.

What a jerk jacka** dumbbell cretin creep. Dipstick. King of the world.

Posted - September 10, 2020
