Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Have you noticed how many adult males haven't yet put on their big boy pants? What's the holdup? Is it communicable?

Have you noticed how many adult males haven't yet put on their big boy pants? What's the holdup? Is it communicable?

They speak out per script of their politically partisan views. They dare NOT stray from it so they don't. Good obedient little boys who look like grown men, old men still are wanting approval and acceptance and being "part of the crowd" so they kowtow and whine and bellyache per script on cue 24/7.

They are so happy in their own company. Deliriously happy. They show up and snark and  hipshot and potshot and give themselves high fives for being so clever. In truth and in fact they are all gnats. Annoying but not deadly. And laughable.

Posted - September 11, 2020
