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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The most charitable thing I can say about dipstick is that he has a BIFURCATED brain due to his being INSANE. Example?

The most charitable thing I can say about dipstick is that he has a BIFURCATED brain due to his being INSANE. Example?

He insists he did the right thing by lying so people "wouldn't panic".

Then last night after that baldfaced lie he said things like the following...

That the leftwing mob are anarchists and will confiscate your guns and make your life a living he** if he is not re-elected. HORDES OF THUGS WILL DESCEND ON YOUR SUBURBS AND RAPE YOUR WOMEN AND NEUTER/SPAY YOUR MEN making all of the men eunuchs..girlymen.

Now of course this he says to keep people from panicking right? He says your children will be injected with drugs and infected with socialism and turn on you and eat you up and spit you out and feed what's left of you to the pigs. He promises you that will happen to you unless you put him back in his rightful place..

He says you will all be arrested and put in solitary confinement and never see the light of day again. Your property will be burned to the ground. Your families will be sold as SEX SLAVES to the highest bidders.

He promises this for you UNLESS you re-elect him. Then all will be well and you will be safe. He promises you this and you know HE NEVER BREAKS A PROMISE don't you?

None of those words are meant to panic you of course. They are all meant to succor you and sucker you and calm you down and relax you because he tells you that all you have to do to stay safe is vote for him again. That is your ace in the hole. Your GET OUT OF JAIL FREE card. His ultimatum to you in no uncertain terms.

How soothing and calming and relaxing he is when he speaks like that. No panic at all.

So you see that's where we are. The insane dipstick contradicts himself in the same speech and his adoring worshippers don't see the problem. They KNOW he didn't want to panic them. He'd rather see thousands of them die instead. And they did. But he wants to tell you the truth now about what you face if he is not recrowned. He lied to you before but he is telling you the truth now? Really? Seriously? Huh.

Posted - September 11, 2020
