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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Allegedly apparently theoretically and figuratively the younger generation is way smarter than us. The REALITY?

Allegedly apparently theoretically and figuratively the younger generation is way smarter than us. The REALITY?

They SUCK at smart and are very stupid dumb

They cling together and party hearty and sex it up and get drunk and community spread the virus.

We send them to college for THAT?

How smart are we trusting them to do the right thing? Not very.

Posted - September 11, 2020


  • 10572

    The younger generations are always smarter than the preceding generations … or at least they like to think they are.  It’s been this way for thousands of years.  Each generation has the advantage of having the knowledge obtained by the previous generations.  This makes them appear smarter than they really are.   While they may have the knowledge, they lack the wisdom and experience on how to use it.  It’s only as they grow older and obtain that wisdom that they begin to understand and truly appreciate that knowledge.  Unfortunately, by that time the next generation is already thinking that they are smarter.    

    The youth believe that they’re “indestructible”.   “Old age” is something that won’t happen for many, many years.  They’re free form mom and dad’s “rule” and have little responsibilities.  Their hormones are raging, bodies are very attractive, and no one is telling them “no” anymore.  The once forbidden elixir of life (alcohol) is now theirs to enjoy and they are going to quaff it down.  (Our society promotes alcohol as some kind of ambrosia.)  Because of all this, they believe they can think and do anything they please.   It’s not until they get a little older and have families, jobs, bills, and other responsibilities that they start to realize that they really aren’t indestructible.  Suddenly, they are the ones who are “restricting” the freedoms of the next generation (their kids).   And on it goes.

      September 11, 2020 4:44 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Thank you for your thoughtful reply Shuhak. If they had a modicum of common sense they would not party hearty maskless without social distancing and community spread the virus. Period. End of story. They KNOW what not to do and they do it anyway. How is that "smart"? Smart a** is more like only this time the smarta**es are potential killers. Makes a difference. :(
      September 12, 2020 1:44 AM MDT

  • 13277
    People actually don't change that much from one generation to another.
      September 11, 2020 5:00 PM MDT