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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The Republicans have abdicated entirely their duty to check and balance what is going on. Give dipsh** whatever he wants. Why not?

The Republicans have abdicated entirely their duty to check and balance what is going on. Give dipsh** whatever he wants. Why not?

What do they spend their time doing with the insistence of the barfbarr?

Why reinvestigating the investigating of the investigations. Redo the doing of the redoing of the redone.
Go back in time to way before and focus on "the other".

Anything but do the job for which they took a CONSTITUTIONAL oath. All of them are equally to blame. They are lazy welfare bums taking money for doing nothing at all to protect and preserve the Constitution. Laughing all the way to the bank as they all get filthy rich. Why not? What could it hurt? Everyone says so?

Only losers and suckers don't take whatever than can get or steal while the gettings good. Only the dumb play by the rules. The smart guys lie to get out of doing what they are supposed to do. The liar the smarter the smarter the liar. Truthtellers are the enemy. They must be gotten rid of/silenced by any means possible.

And so it goes. In the world of the dipsh** dipstick that's how flows.

Posted - September 12, 2020
