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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » How astute an OBSERVER of things are you? When you are outside looking in do you see what's there or is your vision distorted?

How astute an OBSERVER of things are you? When you are outside looking in do you see what's there or is your vision distorted?

How do you know? Upon what do you base your arms length perceptions when you are not in the middle of it suffering through it?

"You exaggerate". No I do not. It is impossible to exaggerate the pestilence and destruction attendant thereto with the dipsh** in charge. No one outside can understand the horror of living here and being here and fighting and fighting. To no avail since all the checks and balances and powers that be that could do something have been thorougly CORRUPTED and broken. Woe is us.

Posted - September 13, 2020
