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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » I believe dipsh** is INHUMAN and incapable of feeling any emotion including hate or fear. Why does he promulgate both 24/7?

I believe dipsh** is INHUMAN and incapable of feeling any emotion including hate or fear. Why does he promulgate both 24/7?

Because that is precisely how he controls his GULLIBLES. They respond to hate and fear and so he provides them with that all the time and has his way with them. When he is absolutely predictable he knows they will react in absolutely predictable fashion. He programs them with HATE and FEAR all the time. His boring rallies use the same tactics the same words the same threats the same lies he has used since 2015. He nevers tires of being boring and they never tired of being bored so it is a perfect marriage of boring and bored and his GULLIBLES eat it up everytime.

He is aloof distanced indifferent. He feels nothing. He is on automatic 24/7. A mindless robotic automatic whatever whose strength lies in his inhumanity.

Listen to him. Watch him. Performing always performing always plying his sitting ducks with what they need to remain FRENZIED FRANTIC TERRIFIED HATING.

You think he feels anything? Hahahahahahahahaha. He has you by the you know whats if you believe that.

Posted - September 14, 2020
