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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » It has been said that "the meek shall inherit the earth". That is doubtful. The stupid dumbs rule the world and plan to destroy it! Uh oh?

It has been said that "the meek shall inherit the earth". That is doubtful. The stupid dumbs rule the world and plan to destroy it! Uh oh?

Many countries are now being ruled by the stupid dumbs. Extreme right wing racists who are despots dictators and in general SOB'S. Whatever is left of the world after they blow it up will go to the meek. Oh just a doggone minit. The meek will be blown up along with everyone and everything. What will happen to the stupid dumbs? Since they are not human they will fly off in their Martian vehicles and go back home.

Posted - September 14, 2020
