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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » BRILLIANT PUNISHMENT. The leaders in INDONESIA came up with a PERFECT punishment for stubborn dumbheads. Know what it is?

BRILLIANT PUNISHMENT. The leaders in INDONESIA came up with a PERFECT punishment for stubborn dumbheads. Know what it is?

Well ya see it's like this. There were EIGHT (8) EIGHT (8) EIGHT (8) saps of the homo variety who refused to wear face masks. Okey dokey. Hunky dorry. Loosy goosy. Ziss boom bah! Whoopee!

Their punishment? DIG GRAVES FOR THOSE WHO DIED OF THE Pumpkina** plague!

Now how could there possibly be a perfecter punishment than that?

Of course the dipsh** will have none of it. He would die before he would try to be perfect. He hates perfect. He is envious and jealous and terrified of perfect. He avoids it at all costs. He won't even give it a whirl. Not even a one-night stand.

Posted - September 16, 2020
