Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » How do the dipsh** defenders defends his KNOWING in JANUARY that the pumpkina** virus was DEADLY and AIRBORNE and mever saying so?

How do the dipsh** defenders defends his KNOWING in JANUARY that the pumpkina** virus was DEADLY and AIRBORNE and mever saying so?

They always pretzelize everything he does/says to make recomfiogured into being pure brilliance!

So far I haven't seen the pretzelizing of that. He called Woodward a QUACK. And then put the blame on Woodward for not telling anyone. The dipsh** did not deny saying it because he is on tape in his own words.

Plus which Bob Woodward is not a toady sycophant known for lying and covering and defending the corrupt.

So it is just left hanging like a skin tab or chit. Hanging blowing in the wind always there.

And the dipsh** has gone back to his ego hate fear insult attack psycnotic rallies. Unmasked. Butt to butt. Spitting as they shout and in haling one another spit and maybe pumpkina** virus to boot? Who knows? Who cares? It is what it is. Everyone says so. Whatever happens happens.

So since the dipsh** is now back to his "normal" and his adoring worshipperes are flocking in droves again any idea how many more will be infected get ill and die from the massive COMMUNITY SPREAD of the deadhead cheesehead headcheese head?

Posted - September 16, 2020
