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Randy D
Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » True/faux? I don't know. The pro-life crowd says use of birth control kills babies. What does doing unnecessary hysterectomies do?

True/faux? I don't know. The pro-life crowd says use of birth control kills babies. What does doing unnecessary hysterectomies do?

Allegedly at an ICE "detention center" in Ocilla Georgia women are being subjected to non-consensual hysterectomies. A "uterus" collector fusses about with women's private parts for fun or is it some moral judgment to sterilize them so they can't have children?

True of Faux? I don't know. But here we go. Treating women like cattle only instead of branding them you just hysterectomy them.

I don't know of any woman who wants to use a hysterectomy as a means of birth control. Now if your innards are cancerous (mine were) out they go or you die. Otherwise? Seriously?

I expect it will be followed up and investigated and maybe if barfbarr gets his grubby coprrupt heinous vicous cruel  mitts on it everyone will be innocent. I hope not. How would you like your innards gutted so you couldn't  have children? Whatever. Another grim reality in the USA twilight zone or just fantasy? We shall see.

Posted - September 17, 2020
