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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Ever read a book where you skipped ahead to the end to see how everything would be resolved? This is where I would do that. You too?

Ever read a book where you skipped ahead to the end to see how everything would be resolved? This is where I would do that. You too?

See the resolution. All the sturm und drang and drama QUEEN girlyman exhibitionism. All the riling up of the weaponized crackpots throwing them bloody red meat every day to keep them hungry? Day after day after day of the lies and conspiracy theories and the investigating of the investigators and the complete disregard for THE RULE OF LAW and the obvious thumb on the scale to tilt sway overpower? Every day more of the same only morer and worser and viler and eviler. Every day every day every day. So we fast forward because we won't miss a thing and see how it ends. In total chaos destruction riots  calumny or will we actually have a "happy" ending? Will the wild riled weaponized useful idiots ever be reclaimable or are they lost forever in that morass of evil? Does the big he get charged tried convicted and imprisoned? Does he flee to a country that has no extradition? Do the weaponized crazies blow up the white house and come gunning for anyone not wearing a MAGA hat with a tattoo of the big he on every forehead and arm and butt and belly and leg and foot? Head to do dipstick? End to end riots? Or will it all be a prelude to and ending that is uncontested because the dipstick was too humiliated to keep fighting lying fighting lying? I dunno. See why reading the ending would be helpful?

Posted - September 17, 2020
