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Randy D
Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » More stupid dumb from the mouth of the fake AG barfbarr. He argues that ordering shelter in place was a DISGRACE. Know what I wonder?

More stupid dumb from the mouth of the fake AG barfbarr. He argues that ordering shelter in place was a DISGRACE. Know what I wonder?

Because it takes away the right of someone to move freely at will wherever whenever however they wanna?

So then why is it okay to STOP at STOP SIGNS or STOP LIGHTS?

They take away your freedom to move freely too.

Both are intended as SAFE GUARDS to PROTECT the people.

The barfbarr thinks that is OUTRAGEOUS. He doesn't give a barfbarrsh** who lives or dies. HE DEMANDS THEY HAVE THEIR FREEDOM.

If that makes sense to you then there is no way to communicate anything with you.

All or nothing. Eliminate ALL SAFEGUARDS. We don't want to upset the very spoiled little brat hissy fit tantrum babies who WANT WHAT THEY WANT AND THEY WANT IT NOW

Sheesh. What a bunch of babies...apologies to the babies.

Posted - September 17, 2020
