In theory, it would make perfect sense to declare it a holiday (everything closed). However, it never will be and the reason for this all boils down to $$$$$$ (money).
Even on national holidays, essential services (hospitals, fire stations, police, etc.) still have to have to remain open. It used to be that on national holidays (e.g. 4th of July, Thanksgiving, Christmas) that nearly all places closed (except essential services). However, since this country worships the Almighty Dollar, those days are long gone. While some places still close for holidays (engineering firms, banks, schools, etc.), many retailers stay open t in order to capture every possible sale they can. Making Election Day a “shut down everything” holiday would mean they’d lose $$$ (and that amounts to sacrilege). Besides, over half the US population who are eligible to vote aren’t even registered to vote. Furthermore, well over half of those who are registered to vote don’t. To these people Election Day is just another day. (From their point of view - ) Why should they lose a day’s wages for nothing? Why should they have to be “inconvenienced” (cant go to the store and such)? It’s all about $$$. Of course, this is the US. If there’s one thing we like almost as much as money it’s alcohol. If they made Election Day a holiday, Americans would just turn it into another reason to drink (name one holiday where weDON’T drink?). heck with voting, its just another day off to get smashed.