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Randy D
Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Your goal is to "make things fair". Allegedly. There are many things you cannot ever FAIRIFY. Why try?

Your goal is to "make things fair". Allegedly. There are many things you cannot ever FAIRIFY. Why try?

There are stupid people and intelligent people.
There are kind people and cruel people
There are constructive people and destructive people
There are people who give and those who only ever TAKE
There are truthtellers and there are LIARS
There are PATRIOTS and there are TRAITORS
There are HEALERS and there are MURDERERS
There are the sane and the insane

Fairify? Seriously?

Might is right. Power is everything. Fear works to intimidate. Lies propitiate propagate promulgate. Stupid dumbs are willing participants. You cannot fix something that never was to begin with.

Where would YOU start making thngs "fair"? For whom? When? Why? Fair is a code word for screwing people.

Posted - September 18, 2020
