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Randy D
Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » All we see/hear/experience from the Washington, D.C. BARNYARD IS mountains and mountains and mountains of chaff.* Where's the WHEAT?

All we see/hear/experience from the Washington, D.C. BARNYARD IS mountains and mountains and mountains of chaff.* Where's the WHEAT?


The husks of grains and grasses that are separated during threshing.
Straw cut up for fodder
Worthless matter; refuse

The CHAFF-adoring worshippers are ecstatic over the enormous pile of worthless matter;refuse.

They conflate piles of chaff with something of value. They are incapable of comprehending the difference. So they believe donald the duck has accomplished many great things. "Great" of course means different things to different people.

Posted - September 18, 2020
